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The Bible is inspired by God and is inerrant in the original documents.
We seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit to understand Scripture and to make it our authority in our individual lives and in matters of fellowship and service. 


There is only one God.
He is eternally existent in three persons who are the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Jesus Christ is truly God. He was born of a virgin, and lived a sinless life as truly man. His sacrificial death, once for all eternity, completely satisfied the Father and serves as the only acceptable substitute for us sinners who have put our faith in Him. The Lord Jesus Christ takes away our sins and imputes to us His righteousness. He rose bodily from the dead and ascended to His Father’s right hand. There, in the presence of God the Father, Christ now intercedes for us as our mediator and Great High Priest. 


The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin in our lives and brings us to Christ. He indwells believers, discloses to us the things of God, glorifies Christ, and empowers us to live godly lives. He preserves us until the day when we are elevated from life on earth to life in heaven.


Each and every member of the human race is naturally sinful and rebellious against God, completely cut off from relationship and fellowship with God, living in bondage to Satan, and destined for an eternity in hell. In love and mercy Christ came to seek and to save sinners. Christ’s blood, poured out at the cross, is the only basis on which God forgives sins. Salvation is freely given by God’s grace when we repent of our sin and put our faith in the Lord Jesus. He rescues us from hell and brings us into an eternal relationship with God.


The Church began with the giving of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. It is made up of all who have repented of their sin, trusted the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, and surrendered control of their lives to Him. All believers are united in Him by the indwelling Holy Spirit and are known as the Body of Christ, or the Church. The chief functions of the Church are to glorify God and to witness for Christ until His return. The local church is composed of believers who gather in Christ’s name for worship, prayer, edification and testimony. The local church is responsible to God for its own government and discipline as divinely outlined in the New Testament. The local church is also to be concerned with the welfare of churches in other localities.


The leaders in the church are the elders (also known as pastors, bishops, overseers and shepherds) and the deacons. They are accountable to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Head of the church, to care for the believers and to equip them for the work of the church. 


Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are commanded by the Lord for all believers. Baptism by immersion publicly signifies that the believer, having died to his old self and life of sin, is identified and buried with Christ in baptism. He is also symbolically raised from the dead with Christ to live a new life of obedience to God. The Lord’s Supper, consisting of the bread and cup, is a memorial instituted by the Lord Himself. In the observance of this supper, believers unite to worship Christ and to remember His sacrificial death and resurrection until He returns.


Eternal life is possessed by every true child of God. He is justified by faith in Christ and is sealed with the Holy Spirit, becoming secure for eternity. Unlike the nominal Christian who erroneously assumes he is saved, the genuine believer demonstrates that he is a Christian by continuing to seek to obey God’s Word. Sin will incur the Father’s discipline and will cause a Christian to lose his fellowship, joy, power, testimony and reward, though not his salvation. By God’s grace and mercy, a clean conscience and fellowship with God will be desired and may be regained and maintained through the confession and repentance of sin, followed by obedience to the Lord and His Word. His relationship with God is eternal, being established by new birth in Christ.


At the Second Coming, the Lord Jesus Christ will personally return and meet His Church in the air. There will be a resurrection of believers and unbelievers. The Lord Jesus will judge each person as to whether during earthly life he entered into a relationship with Christ. Those who rejected Christ will be cast into hell and will suffer eternal and terrible judgment in isolation from God. Those who accepted Christ as Lord will be saved into heaven and will enjoy eternal and glorious life with that great company who rejoice at being together in the presence of God.


26730 Patrick Ave,
Hayward, CA 94544

Church Phone: (510) 999-5559